$2,580 * $2,000 Perpetual Cash * Over $42,000


Automatic Advancements to the Next Level

Bonus Re-entries to Cycle Again

Generous Sponsor Bonuses

We have Fast 8-Level 3x1 Matrices.

This means that as 3 members
enters a Level, 1 member will cycle!!!

No Personal Referrals Required!!!
Our 5-Level Higher Paying Matrices
are 2x2 Matrices which
takes just 6 referrals to cycle.

You have 4 on your Payline
and you get paid as soon as
a member enters your Payline!

You don't have to wait until you
 get all 4 to get paid!!!

Only $5.00 to start.

If you can't pay, in 5 days a member
will pay for you  (PIF List)!

You will only need 6 in your downline who will also need 6 for a total of 36 members/positions in your downline to cycle through the 2x2 Matrices.  You can either help your downline get referrals or purchase 36 positions as you earn from the 3x1 Matrices.

We help support 2 main organizations; one being Homes by the Homeless.  We also support our members' non-profit organizations with financial contributions of $2000  in their names when they complete cycling one of our Matrices.

Our Wealth Team for Daily Cash Blessings has created a Team Build Rotator for those who join us to help you get Referrals so that you can earn Sponsor Bonuses.

This opportunity gives us a massive income potential and the means to help ourselves and so many people around the world for a low startup cost of just $5!  View the Compensation Plan and the Video on the website.

You will receive thousands of Banner & Text Ad credits to advertise any program/business you may have and much more.

We truly hope that you will join us in our fight against Homelessness and Hunger and you will also be blessed financially along the way.

Click the Team Build Banner to get started Today!


As a thank you for joining Our Wealth Team for Daily Cash Blessings, we will send you T. Harv Eker's "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind", and the Audio ebook!

Contact me by clicking on the Help Desk Banner if you have any questions.